Return to Normal. Almost.

Let’s be honest, it has been a really long year for all of us, but our seniors have really struggled with the increased isolation during this pandemic more than most. Necessary Meals on Wheels - West Los Angeles safety protocols have often meant the daily delivery of nutritious meals stopped at the client’s doorsteps. Our friendly verbal check-ins took place with a closed-door in between us.

Good to see you, sir!

Good to see you, sir!

In short, we have really missed seeing their faces.

However, as we head into summer and vaccinations are on the rise, we have been able to return to some normalcy. Many of our most loved clients are back to greeting us — albeit from a safe distance — at their doors. And not even our masks can hide our smiles these days. Seeing their faces, hearing their voices again has filled us with a sense of hope missing these last many months.

We know that the return to face-to-face client visits alone will not undo all the problems created by the isolation of the pandemic. Still, we are hopeful that our seniors will soon resume all the pre-COVID activities that they so love safely.

If you know a West LA-area senior in need of a hearty meal and a warm smile, please reach out to us here at Meals at Wheels West Los Angeles.

We are here to help.